SunflowerWhatever the real weather today, welcome to Sunshine Yellow management style

I had great day in London today, with the research and insight team for a major search engine provider. The new year has brought a re-structure and a revised strategy to deliver, and they were keen to invest time in how they are going to work together to get the best results possible.

Several of the team today were working on using their Sunshine Yellow style to inspire and motivate the sales team to use insightful research results in their sales pitches.

Here then are the positive, and not so positive, behaviours of Sunshine Yellow managers, based on their Insights Discovery Personal Style Preferences.

Who are your Sunshine Yellow Managers inspiring this week?

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Have they developed strong relationships with a crucial client that puts you in line for a major deal?
Or has a critical detail of a project plan been completely forgotten about?
Are you inspired by a vision of a bright future, or wondering when your manager is going to get to the point?
What is Sunshine Yellow energy?
Here are some words to describe this colour preference:

• Sociable.
• Dynamic.
• Demonstrative.
• Enthusiastic.
• Persuasive.

They are full of ideas and plans for the future and welcome change. They will be able to paint vibrant pictures of what the future will be like, possibly with words, equally likely with coloured pens on a poster that they will stick to the wall.
Their enthusiasm will be infectious and you’ll find yourself doing things without always needing to know why.
How they help the team
They’ll understand how the team fits into the bigger picture for your organisation. If it looks like an obstacle is going to stop the team from achieving objectives (eg. a budget constraint) they will have a creative solution or know someone somewhere to help you overcome it!

There will be few surprises in appraisals as they let you know if they’re happy with your work or not as you go along. When things are going well they’ll be a powerful advocate for you, singing your praises to the rest of the business.
When Sunshine Yellow energy gets in the way
Just like the sunshine used as a metaphor to describe their behaviour at their ‘brightest’ you may need to protect yourself from their full glare in order to avoid a headache! They are the ‘drama kings and queens’ of the management team.

They’ll remember the cake for birthday celebrations but forget the plates and the matches!

This manager under pressure will display the following behaviours:

• Excitable.
• Frantic.
• Indiscreet.
• Flamboyant.
• Hasty.

They may fail to fully understand the detailed circumstances of a team member and the situation they are dealing with before jumping in with a solution.

The challenge for the Sunshine Yellow energy is to adopt the right management style at the right time. In particular making sure that they listen to their team member and gather the full facts before determining a solution.

How can you help your Sunshine Yellow managers (or yourself if this is you) to adapt behaviour to get better results?
Ring, or email me, to claim your Free Insights Discovery Profile now.
Later about a value packed this week I will send you our Insights Management Styles Team Session offer available exclusively to our existing contacts.