by salesgrowthexpert | Aug 25, 2017 | Customers, sales growth, sales team, SalesGrowthExpert, Value
Value – it’s a bit of a laden word, wouldn’t you agree? We all want it, from the cheapest to the most expensive items we buy. But how do you define it, or measure it? What are your products and services actually worth to your customers? Surprisingly, few business...
by salesgrowthexpert | Sep 29, 2016 | blog posts, business growth, Pricing, sales growth, SalesGrowthExpert
When you’re selling your products or services, you will come across many different concerns as to why someone doesn’t want to buy from you. The ‘Price Objection’ is one of those concerns that can bring an unwary salesperson to their knees, and an immediate discount...
by salesgrowthexpert | Jul 13, 2016 | blog posts, business growth, sales growth, SalesGrowthExpert
When you saw the above image, what caught your attention? I chose an impactful photo for a reason, so please accept my apologies if you find it offensive. It’s difficult not to give the image your full attention for a few seconds, to wonder what it is exactly and is...
by salesgrowthexpert | Jun 15, 2016 | blog posts, business growth, sales growth, sales team, SalesGrowthExpert
Ah, the good old objection. The spanner in the works, just when it was all going so smoothly. The customer says it’s too much, it’s the wrong size, their customers won’t buy it, their dog won’t eat it! This is the stage at which the sales person has to work out if the...
by salesgrowthexpert | May 11, 2016 | blog posts, business growth, sales growth, SalesGrowthExpert
Imagine walking into an electrical store for a new fridge. You say to the sales assistant “I want a fridge” and the sales assistant says “They’re £300”. Do you buy? No. Why not? Well, because you don’t even know if it fits in that space in your kitchen, never mind if...
by salesgrowthexpert | Apr 20, 2016 | blog posts, business growth, sales growth, SalesGrowthExpert
So, if customers don’t buy on price, what do they do? Well, as the soft drinks man’s list, and your own list if you did one, will have shown, they buy on something else. Mindset Shift No.1 is to Think Value, that’s why customers buy, you can read the blog about this,...