by salesgrowthexpert | Aug 25, 2017 | Customers, sales growth, sales team, SalesGrowthExpert, Value
Value – it’s a bit of a laden word, wouldn’t you agree? We all want it, from the cheapest to the most expensive items we buy. But how do you define it, or measure it? What are your products and services actually worth to your customers? Surprisingly, few business...
by salesgrowthexpert | Jan 30, 2017 | blog posts, business growth, hitting sales targets, sales growth, sales team, Visionscaping
We are already well into January and I don’t know about you, but I’ve been bombarded with blogs and articles on how to set goals, make resolutions, and whether it’s worth the bother or not. I’ve read most of them, and yep, we all know that as leaders in our...
by salesgrowthexpert | Jul 6, 2016 | Mindset, Personal Profiling, sales growth, sales team
For some time I’ve been using Insights Discovery Personal Profiling to help my clients develop the talent of their teams. The origins of personality theory can be traced back to the 5th century BC, when Hippocrates identified four distinct energies exhibited by...
by salesgrowthexpert | Jun 15, 2016 | blog posts, business growth, sales growth, sales team, SalesGrowthExpert
Ah, the good old objection. The spanner in the works, just when it was all going so smoothly. The customer says it’s too much, it’s the wrong size, their customers won’t buy it, their dog won’t eat it! This is the stage at which the sales person has to work out if the...
by salesgrowthexpert | Jan 14, 2016 | sales growth, sales investments, sales team
Here’s a common scenario for SMEs. You have a growing business, delivering value to your customers.When do you expand your team and invest in a specialist sales function? There are common signals that show you are about to burst at the seams and that it’s time share...
by salesgrowthexpert | Jan 14, 2016 | hitting sales targets, sales growth, sales team, SalesGrowthExpert
Managing people is one of the top challenges of running a business, and managing a sales manager or sales team can be one of the most frustrating. Where are they? What are they doing? Why are they not hitting targets? Why are some successful and some not? Here are the...